Why Should I Get a Marriage License?

Love is love, right? So why bother with a marriage license? As it turns out, there are plenty of good reasons. First, please note – if you want to have a ceremony to mark your wonderful occasion, and that is all, that is your choice as a couple. But if you are hoping to claim certain benefits, then filing for a marriage license is critical for a few of the following reasons.
State and Federal Issues. There are certain federal and state benefits that a legal marriage conveys. A marriage license and certified marriage certificate on file gives you the right to file your taxes jointly as a couple and take advantage of any tax breaks that your union conveys. You are also automatically entitled to your spouse’s federal or state benefits, whether that is Social Security, disability or other entitlements, if your spouse were to unfortunately pass away.
Insurance Purposes. A legal marriage (meaning one with a marriage license and marriage certificate on file) entitles your spouse to be added to your health insurance. This is an important legal benefit, so it’s worth having your legal paperwork in order. Further, if you have any life insurance but have neglected to put together a will or trust, and if something unfortunate happens to you, then your spouse will automatically be able to inherit your insurance money – only if they have a marriage license and certified marriage certificate to prove the legality of your marriage.
Other Valuable Benefits. While it might not seem like a big deal now, in the moment having access to your loved one in a hospital unit becomes critical. Making important decisions for your loved one, such as medical or financial decisions, is possible without a marriage license and certified marriage certificate – but it is much more difficult, as you will need a power of attorney document instead.
No one plans for the worst to happen, but having a marriage license and certified marriage certificate will ensure that you have the most protection available to you and your spouse.