Can You Use a 2014 Marriage License for a 2015 Wedding?

A marriage license is the legal document that allows your wedding ceremony to culminate in a marriage that is recognized by your state and the U.S. government. Your minister or officiant will have you both sign the marriage license after you say your vows, and will then submit it to the county clerks office to be recorded. That office will then mail you a certified marriage certificate as your legal proof of marriage.
What happens if you filed for your marriage license in 2014, but are getting married in 2015? Is your 2014 marriage license void? The answer depends on the county you are getting married in and its laws around marriage licenses. Most counties have a specific time limit that marriage licenses are good for (usually 30-60 days, but some counties have much shorter or longer time windows). If you filed for a marriage license in 2014 and your 2015 wedding is scheduled prior to its expiration date, you can absolutely use it.
If you have a marriage license that was issued in 2014 and your wedding date is after its expiration window then you will need to apply for a new marriage license. You’ll have to go through the same filing process as you originally did and pay the same fee for a new marriage license. While reapplying is a hassle, it is far better than not having a marriage license for your big day and consequently not having a legal marriage. Yikes!